AVRVI is not our authorized dealer,if you have bought the "mkII pro" or "mkII CN" from AVRVI,please do not use our firmware to upgrade your emulator.We have add anti-clone function,if you do so,the firmware will DAMAGE the hardware.




  日前已经证实主营AVR产品的“AVRVi”(www.AVRVi.com/济南市历城区思达天成电子产品经营部/济南恩易电子科技有限公司)在盗版本站USB AVR JTAGICE mkII-CN产品,并以盈利为目的进行大面积销售,产品名称为“Avrvi mkII pro 多功能”,下面列举具体证据:

1. 硬件电路:

  上图为本站的USB AVR JTAGICE mkII-CN,下图为盗版产品,可以看到盗版产品添加了外部电源接口、串口电路,修改了接口电路和LED指示电路;注意,串口电路实际是不使用的,外部电源电路也没实际用处;接口电路和LED指示电路的修改只是一个小改动。本站mkII-CN仿真器的核心电路是由PDIUSBD12+74HC573+62C256+ATmega64+74HC00(位于反面)来完成数据的传递和处理,而这部分关键电路两者完全相同!

2. 升级文件:

  在盗版产品配套光盘的firmware文件夹里面可以找到升级文件(固件/firmware),用文本编辑器随便打开一个升级文件,都可以找到mkII-CN产品名称和copyright www.mcuzone.com的信息:

  上图为使用Ultra Edit打开V52C固件的copyright信息。


3. boot程序:

  我们已经读出“AVRVi”的所谓“Avrvi mkII pro 多功能”的boot程序,发现与本站
USB AVR JTAGICE mkII-CN(每个产品都有独立的且不可更改的ID)完全一样。

  由于我们采取了较为完善的CRC校验机制,盗版者不能随意修改boot程序或者升级文件,只要有任何修改,仿真器即无法工作,所以“AVRVi”提供的升级文件里面就赤裸裸地保留了本站网址www.mcuzone.com和产品名称JTAGICEmkII CN的明文信息!

  看到这里,大家心中应该都已经有了一个答案。这里我们要再告诉大家一个信息,就是本站在06年底发布的mkII Lite单线仿真器(现已升级为D12真正USB接口,名称也更改为mkII Lite V2,功能更强)也在07年被该盗版者通过卑劣的硬件破解方式盗版,并在重新包装后被盗版者冠以“DW MKII”、“单线仿真器”、“debugWIRE与ISP单线仿真编程器”之名,并以360元左右的价格大肆进行销售,如下图:


  我们在发现产品被盗版后立刻停产了USB转串口版本的mkII Lite单线仿真器,并开始主推功能更强的真正USB接口的mkII Lite V2。对于第一代正版mkII Lite的升级,我们已经做了保护,所以至今这些所谓的“DW MKII”、“单线仿真器”、“debugWIRE与ISP单线仿真编程器”都没有4.14及以上版本的升级文件!!!如果您已经买了,或者您打算购买单线仿真器,您可以咨询一下卖家是否有4.14及以上的固件,如果没有,那您就要三思了!

  富有“创造力”的“AVRVi”将我们的单线仿真器加上一片ATmega16(用于实现第一代JTAGICE功能)制作了一个号称“AVRVi MkII 多功能编程仿真器”的混拼产品,当然,其中的单线仿真功能和ISP下载功能同样无法升级!如下图:







Mcuzone 微控电子 



A Solemn Statement

A Solemn Statement

Mcuzone has already confirmed that website "www.AVRVi.com"(ebay shop: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/avrvi-tools-Store) is selling piracy of our product: USB AVR JTAGICE mkII-CN, and got lot of profit in market. The piracy named "mkII Pro" and therefore putting the piracy owner at the risk of lossing support of future AVR models and AVRSTUDIO/AVR32STUDIO version, when Mcuzone has taken necessary preventive actions.The following specific evidence cited:

1. Hardware circuits:

The upper photo shows our USB AVR JTAGICE mkII-CN, the lower picture shows the pirated products. Pirated products can be seen to add an external power supply interface, the serial circuit, interface circuit and modified the LED circuit; note that the serial circuit is not functional, and external power supply circuit does not actually use; interface circuit and the LED circuit changes indicative only a small change. The core part of our mkII-CN circuit is made of PDIUSBD12 + 74HC573 + 62C256 + ATmega64 +74HC00 (located opposite PCB) to achieve the data transmission and processing. We can see the key part of both circuits is identical!

2. Firmware:

We can find the firmware in the pirated product's supporting CD-ROM, firmware folder, path (firmware/firmware), just using any text editor to open the update file, we can found mkII-CN product name and copyright www.mcuzone.com information:

The above picture shows we using Ultra Edit to open the pirated firmware and found the copyright information(V52C firmware).

Users can go to the Download area of our website to download our mkII-CN firmware, you can find our original copyright information (Note: the firmware called V52C published many times, when comparing, please use file with the same date), and you can see the content of file is identical.

3. Bootloader:

We have read back the bootloader from the so-called "mkII Pro" of "AVRVi", and found it is the same as our
USB AVR JTAGICE mkII-CN (each product has a unique ID).

Since we adopted a more comprehensive mechanism of CRC checksum, the pirates can not change the bootloader and the firmware, as long as there is any modification, the emulator is unable to work, the pirate products from "AVRVi" has the copyright information: www.mcuzone.com!

From the above information, we think everyone has got the answer: "AVRVi" pirated our products. Here, we have to tell you that this site published by we issued mkII Lite 1-wire emulator at the end of 2006(now upgraded to truly USB interface(D12), the name also changed to mkII Lite V2, and it is more powerful). In 2007, it was pirated through the despicable way. The hardware piracy and pirates repackaging as products "DW MKII", "1-wire emulator", "debugWIRE 1-wire emulator & ISP programmer," and sold at price around 360RMB, the following picture show one of them:

Pirates modified only USB to serial chip, in the early time, it use PL2303, then mostly used FT232. Other circuits, are full copy from us.

After found the pirated products, we immediately stopped selling USB to serial version of the "mkII Lite" emulator, and launch more powerful product with real USB interface, which is called "mkII Lite V2". For the first generation of genuine mkII Lite upgrade, we have protection. So far these so-called "DW MKII", "1-wire emulator", "debugWIRE 1-wire emulator & ISP programmer" do not have firwmare to use after AVRStudio 4.14!If you have bought, or you intend to buy, you can consult the seller whether the firmware for AVRStudio version greater than 4.14 is available. If not, then you should think again! The "AVRVi" pirated our mkII products, then add one ATmega16 (implement the first generation of JTAGICE functionality) to produced a so-called "mkII" product. Of course, the debugWire & ISP functionalties can not be upgraded!

So, for end users, please remember the following, before you buy:

Use any piracy, you loss the right to ask for further upgrade. You can not use that product with the new AVRStudio & AVR32Studio. You can not debug & program the new devices later. You can not fix any bugs whitin the current release. You can not get the new firmware to speed up debug AVR32 & ATxmega products. You can not get the new features which even not included in the original ATMEL mkII(such as programming ATmega8, ATmega8515 and other enhancements);

For those user who has bought our genuine products, please keep a eye on piracy. Once you have find any clue of pirated products, please contact us immediately. Pleae take action against piracy for everyone, include yourself.



Hereby declared 


